Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday Entry: Katrin Freisager

Freisager was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1960, and has studied photography in Berlin, Paris, and New York. Her artwork often centers around the themes of suspension, ambiguity, and the tension between fiction and reality. The majority of her photographs feature young women, uniformly attired in tan stockings and underwear. There faces are not often revealed, and they are taking part in actions and activities that seem foreign to the viewer. A strange sense of alienation and foreboding pervades her imagery. The scenes are nearly monochromatic. In Freisager's untitled series from 2002, several limbs from various hosts combine hauntingly to create one abstract form. Her photographs are related to painting, and often look like figural studies for a later work.

I love her restricted palette and emphasis on form. Because of the limited color range, the shadows appear deeper, playing a stronger role. The images featuring groups of models are more interesting to me than the earlier ones with one solitary subject. The purpose behind their interactions is withheld from the audience, a concept that I find intriguing.

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